COVID-19 Updates

For quite some time now, the entire world has been adapting to a new normal due to COVID-19. It has been difficult for everyone to deal with these changes, and we're all hoping it'll be over soon.

Our fulfillment and manufacturing services are still operating and we’re continuing to accept orders. However, global social distancing measures are affecting our store which means order fulfillment and shipping times may be taking longer than usual. But we promise your order will reach you.

Our standard fulfillment estimate of 2-7 business days is currently closer to 4-10. We’re actively communicating with our entire team and working hard to provide the best experience possible for our customers.

The team at Pulp & Stitch wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who's been showing support for our business during this challenging time. Your love and appreciation means the world to us, now more than ever.

Stay safe and take care of yourselves.

Pulp & Stitch

-----  The Pulp & Stitch Team  -----